Magento Conversion Rate Optimization

Magento Conversion Rate Optimization

Reduce bounce rates and generate more leads & sales with a professionally optimised Magento site

There are more than a million e-commerce websites visited everyday. What is the guarantee that a visitor will purchase from yours?

Won’t it be great if you can turn more visitors to customers?

We can make that happen!

We bring to the table our experience of working with varied business models and understand the unique challenges of each. dZine-Hub’s conversion rate optimisation, is a scientifically tested and proven way to improve conversions and generate leads for your business.

The result? More leads, more sales with less time and effort (as we do this entirely for you!)

What we can do for your Magento site…

  • Test and Improve your website landing pages, email pages, site entry pages from SEO
  • Test and enhance your behaviour targeted conversion pages, lead opt-in forms, shopping carts and other sign-up offers
  • Test pages with high page abandonment rates
  • Improve vital pages necessary for conversion such as education pages, search result pages & product description pages
  • Improve pages that have sales potential : Referral, Cross-sell and upsell sections etc
  • Automated Marketing campaigns

This is how we increase conversions to your website


We thoroughly analyse your current website, competitor websites, consumer behaviour and analytics. One size does not fit all! We understand each Magento site is unique.


Based on our in-depth analysis, we come up with customised strategies and testable ideas to improve conversions to your site.


To confirm that our hypothesis is rock solid, we set up and run A/B tests and observe performance.


Our Magento certified experts will use the right measuring tools to check the results of the test phase to ascertain strengths and weaknesses in our strategy. We identify and eliminate the chinks in the strategy

Implement & Support:

After extensive testing and after we are certain of the results, we implement the strategy and closely monitor customer behaviour and support you with any help you may require.

Let’s work together to turn every visitor into a customer! Drop us a line in the form below. We would love to talk to you about your website.

Here is a link to Magento’s official website.

If you want to take your eBay store to a global audience, let us help you get there! Give us a call at +44 (161) 408-37726 (UK) or drop us a line at We would love to hear from you!

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