Why your Logo and Tagline are so important

Almost everyone recognises the Nike “Swoosh”. Just that small logo has become an instantly recognisable all over the world. It makes Nike’s brand presence stand out in the minds of customers and reinforces its position as the market leader in the world of sports. That’s how powerful a logo can be!

How cool would it be if your logo was that powerful too?

What is a logo and tagline?

A logo is just a symbol, emblem, sign or a badge assigned to your brand. It can be anything from pictures of your best products, or anything that makes the customer to remember your brand. It doesn’t even have to be specific. The tagline often accompanies the logo, and usually consists of just a few words that reinforces your brand.

Why a logo?

If you enter eBay and conduct a search by item name, you immediately learn of thousands of shops which sell that particular item. Think from the customer’s viewpoint. You will start browsing one by one, check out a few eBay stores and find them to be mostly identical and unremarkable. After you’ve seen the first few, you can’t distinguish one from the other.

To overcome competition and sustain your product in the market, it is essential to have a unique logo to set yourself apart from the pack.

A few tips to getting your own logo

Work out all the possible signs and symbols which are attractive and efficient in conveying your message. Spend quality time browsing through famous branded products and their websites. See how much importance they have given to their own logos and symbols.

Your logo must relate the importance and recognizability of your company and your brand, rather than being about a specific product—in a way, the logo transcends individual products to become a broader identity.  Think more abstract and less direct. If you sell healthcare products, a logo that has a picture of medical supplies is rather unremarkable. But a stylized image of a mother and child embracing each other will be memorable—and will sell products.

Your logo is your identity – make it unique

The logo strategy is as old as marketing itself, and you can take a lesson from well-established brands to get a few ideas. However, your creation needs to stand alone and be unique—not just because you want to avoid confusion, but also to avoid any potential conflicts and legal liability. This is where an agency comes in handy. The logo itself may be very simple, but the thought, strategy and research behind it can be very complex indeed.

Go the extra mile and spend time deciding what vision of your business you want to highlight through your logo.

Tips for advertising your logo and tagline

Use the logo in all your email, on all your websites, and in your newsletters…use it everywhere you want to be seen. You have every right to propagate it in all your correspondence. You can make a small seal of your logo and make use of it whenever you are signing an important document.

Include your tagline on all your websites, and customize your blog, twitter and Facebook by adding the logo and tagline. Try and come up with something you can afford to give away…most organizations have branded goodies to give employees, clients and prospects. Having a bag, cap or a pen with your logo doesn’t just make for brand visibility…it is the foundation for brand loyalty.

Take some time off today to review your logo and tagline. Are you getting the most out of it? Do drop in your thoughts and comments too below…

About the author: dzine

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